If you are going to keep your dog outside with you this summer, consider taking these steps to help prevent sunburn.
Tip Number 1: Use a doggie approved sunscreen.
You can’t use just any sunscreen because sun screen with zinc oxide is toxic to dogs. You can check with your vet, or local pet store, to see what they recommend using. It is also smart to test out a small dab of doggie safe sun screen before rubbing it all over to make sure it does not irritate their skin or cause any allergic reactions. One of the more recommended sun screens that is safe for dogs is made by Epi Pet:
Tip Number 2: Consider using tee shirts to help block some of those UV rays coming down from the sun.
Clothing can work well when your baby is allergic/sensitive to sun screen protection. Consider using lighter colors so as not to attract all the heat of the sun.
Tip Number 3: Doggie Sunglasses
Doggie sunglasses can help block harmful UV rays that could lead to canine melanoma. Investing in a quality pair of sunglasses can be a smart choice as a fur parent to keep your babies eyes safe if you plan to be in the sun a lot this summer.
Tip Number 4: Make sure your pet is getting time in the shade.
Shade trees can be great, but if you are out somewhere like the beach, you might want to bring along an umbrella or beach tent for protection. You’ll notice when your dog is outside they will often shift between a warm sunny spot and a cool shaded spot. Make sure you can provide that shaded spot when there isn’t one available otherwise.
Tip Number 5: Keep Fur at least 1/2 Inch if possible
With some shorter hair breeds this won’t be possible and you’ll need to consider using some combination of the tips mentioned above. But if you have a breed with longer hair, ask the groomer to keep it a little bit longer as it can help protect your babies skin from the sun. Considerations are the lighter the coat, the fairer the skin your baby has, and the easier it is for them to burn. Any areas where skin is exposed or the hair is very short, stomachs, or legs, may need some sun screen to help protect from too much sun time.
Please feel free to share this article if it can help someone you know out this summer with keeping their fur baby safe.
h/t: BarkPost/Jenn Cheung
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