What a transformation Annie was able to experience because of the kind and caring professionals at Vet Ranch. Abandoned and neglected, Annie, had a ton of problems from skin lesions, infections, cherry eye, heart worms, and more. Annie was scheduled to be euthanized until someone pulled her from animal control and brought her to Vet Ranch.
Over a couple months, Annie regained her health, and ultimately found a forever home where she is wanted and loved.
According to their YouTube channel, “If you are interested in helping with animals in the future, please visit http://www.vetranch.org to learn more about what we do and to donate if you would like. Dr. Matt Carriker, a veterinarian licensed in Texas founded Vet Ranch Inc., a 501(c)(3), tax exempt non-profit organization. There is no shortage of pets in need, so every donation means more lives we can positively change.”
Although we do not have any affiliate with them, they look like a great organization to help out because they care.
Video/Image: Vet Ranch