When an elephant on a particular advert makes a trumpet noise, Fred decides to show support and follow his favorite character. The...
Check out this English Bulldog’s encounter with one of New York’s finest … he seems a little stand-offish at first.
Spencer, a two-year-old Bulldog who has been paralyzed since he was a puppy due to suspected abuse, gets a set of custom...
If this were my Cartman he could all the cheesy poofs his bullie heart desired!
How fun would it be to take your fur baby to the beach and just go skim boarding with them? You can...
It is impressive how well this English Bulldog is able to stay on the board going through turns and faster speeds. I...
After watching this video you will want to run out an adopt a bullie today, the lowest I’ve seen them is $1,500...
A little to left Jeeves, oh yea, that’s the spot, you got the knot out!